Introduction of C++,History of c++, limitation of C, Uses of c++ ,Compiler


Introduction of C++


·       We should  to  know a bit of information about the history of C++. This means what exactly is C plus plus?


Now all of you know that a computer is an electronic device that can perform many computational

task. But since it is a machine, these computers really can't do anything on their own.

so to get any job done using the computer we need to give instructions to this computer and according to our instructions, these computers will work.

These instructions which are given to this computer are called as the “Program“ and

the person who is going to write these instructions or who is going to give this instructions

is called as a “” Programmer”

Now the language in which these instructions are written or these programs are written

is called as the “Programming Language”.

So here the programmer will use any of the programming language available and write the computer program or the instructions and according to this program the computer will work. So here cplusplus is one of the programming languages that can be used to write computer programs.

There are a lot of programming languages available.

for For example we have C, we have C Sharp, we have Java, we have PHP, we have Python.

History  of C++


·       Now the next thing is why this C++ was created and when it was created?

 This C plus plus programming language was created by “Bjarne Stroustrup” and his

team in 1979 at the Bell Laboratories of New Jersey.

 Initial  they called it as “C with classes” not called c++

 During the 1970s C programming language was one of the most used and the most popular programming language and even to this day C programming language is one of the most famous programming language.

But C programming language has its own limitations.


·    Limitation of C 

Ø Complexity more

Ø Program tend to become large



 Bjarne Stroustrup and his team  added a lot of features, the main feature they added was the object-oriented programming and they created this new language called “C with classes”


 In 1983 they renamed this “C with classes” with “C++”


·       Increment operator ( ++  ) = increase by 1


 the interesting thing is this ++ the interesting thing is this ++ or the next step of the C language you know they named it as C++.


·      C++ programming language is used in the real world.


A)       general-purpose programming language.


·       “A general-purpose programming language is a language designed to be used for writing  the software in our wide variety of application domains”


·       In simple words when we say a programming language as a general-purpose programming language it means that we can use that programming language to create different variety of applications AND SOFTWARE.


B)        Now the next thing is C++ is a middle-level language.

 We have divided the programming languages into three categories. lower-level languages, high-level languages, and Middle-level languages.


·       Lower-level language  : The machine-level code and assembly level language category.

·       High-level language  :   we have the higher-level languages were a programmer can easily write  the program in a language that is almost similar to the human-readable format.

·       Middle-level language Then we have another category called the middle-level languages Where are some programming languages offer the features of the high-level languages and also the features of the lower-level languages.

  Example :  C , C++ etc.


 The thing is C++ is the middle level language and the code written using the C plus plus programming language is much closer to the human-readable format.

we can easily read the code and we can understand what exactly is going on.

But the computers on the other hand only understand the code written in the form of zeros and

ones in other words the machine code.

    Ex  : 8  but in computer (000110010011110)

             9 (01110100001010)


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